Deliver value and services quickly with WebAtlante
Use WebAtlante’s GPS module to better manage and monitor fuel costs at your organization. WebAtlante will allow you to validate if vehicles are used in accordance with company-defined policies. This way your company can cut on un-authorized and inappropriate usage of your vehicles. If a vehicle is stolen, WebAtlante gets signal from an installed device on the vehicle alerting that the vehicle has crossed predefined geofence.
Our system provides fleet managers with time-stamped data of any vehicle’s activity. WebAtlante is built with a user-friendly, intuitive interface that makes HR management simple and easy. We offer a solution that’s ideal for HR managers and employee alike and allows for growth within any organization.

Drive Productivity, Efficiency, and Quality
Build Better Products
An organisation actively depends on regular attendance of their employees in order to keep productivity at its peak and maintain unhindered workflows. This module tracks multiple leave types. It provides a quick, error free workflow for employees to organise, apply and approve leaves.